Matt's Schmotolog
Friday, July 22, 2005 - 23:52:34 GMT - Matt
You can sort of see that we already have a neighbor and all the plumbing is laid in. Next, the foundation is poured. <>
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - 13:46:28 GMT - Matt
This big filing cabinet makes a fourth wall in what would otherwise be a three-walled cube.

In the before picture, it has a big database diagram taped to it (which I don't need anymore since I have it memorized, natch.) On the other side, are some random magnet/stickers I've collected - mostly things that corporate sends us.

I recently got a coupon for 50 free digital prints from a private store in Plano (camera-stop), whom I'm impressed with. I decided to collect a few of my favorite photos and have them printed and displayed.

I didn't want to tape or pin them because I'm not sure what I want to do with them in the future - maybe they will end up in a photo album. So, I chose to stick them to this filing cabinet with magnets. I did some research and found that I could get just the magnets I needed from Gauss Boys. I bought 100 of them from $15 including shipping.

The side facing the desk is just miscellaneous pictures that I like to look at. The other side can be seen by people walking into or by my cube and is where I put the pictures I want to show off. I'm planning to add and rotate pictures as I take and print more.
click here for more
Tuesday, July 05, 2005 - 16:55:24 GMT - Matt
We're taking the first steps in building a new home. This is a picture of the lot we've chosen. It's kind of boring. I think it'll be interesting to see the progress in action as the construction proceeds.

I'll post more pictures as the house goes up. <>