Wildlife - Stewardship, conservation, rehabilitation
Small mammals - Raccoons, bats, skunks, oppossoms, etc.
Since the very earliest days of our remodeling work, we have encountered
interesting non-human creatures inhabiting houses on which we were working. Many is the pier and beam house in
Austin which has a skunk snuggling up to the bottom of the bathtub when the owner is bathing on a cold winter
evening. Raccoons find roof and gable vents a handy entrance to the best place in town to raise their kids. We
have started attic remodels one day, left for the evening, and returned in the morning to find a few bats have
decided to move from the now opened attic to the more comfortable living room or kitchen.
It's an obligation to provide for the creatures we encounter as part of our
services. We have developed techniques for convincing them to move, with their young ones, to another location.
If we need to perform an exclusion, we first determine that there are no cubs in the house that would be left
without a parent to teach them the ropes.
Borrow these books from our library or purchase them directly.
Great organizations working hard for wildlife
Bat Conservation International www.batcon.org An Austin institution
since 1982
Austin Area Wildllife Rehabilitation www.austinareawildliferehab.org/resources.html
Their Resuing Wildlife page has important information about dealing with urban wildlife
Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation www.wildlife-rescue.org/
Lynn Cuny's outfit in Kendalia, TX
Bat World http://www.batworld.org/main/main.html
Amanda Lollar's group in Mineral Wells, TX and other areas around the country
Austin Wildlife Rescue http://austinwildliferescue.org/
Best place to take injured and orphaned wildlife in Austin (central drop off on MLK). They have renegotiated
their lease with the Travis Audubon Society for the Blair Woods property and will be staying
for the foreseeable future.
Cal & Lilly 2 month old orphans
Cal & Lilly ready for release
We are always looking for new release sites. If you have some
acreage with a dependable water supply, no hunting, and few farmers with chickens, etc.,
please let us know. These are amazing creatures. |