St. Alban's Episcopal Church

30th & Waco Drive

Waco, Texas




Fellowship Opportunities at St. Alban’s


YOUTH GROUPS:      Separate high school and junior high groups meet weekly under the direction of youth director.

"The HANDS" of St. Alban's:    The men's group meets every Thursday, 6:30 a.m., for fellowship, breakfast, Bible study and prayer.  Check the weekly announcement sheet for the restaurant location or call the Church Office 752-1773.

SERENDIPITY SUPPER GROUPS:     Small groups of members meet once a month for informal potluck suppers.  There is no agenda except good food, drink and fellowship.  

St. Alban’s Guild:      Meets third Thursday of each month at 10:00 am in the Music Room for fellowship and informative programs.  

St. Catherine’s Guild:     Meets second Monday of each month at 10:30 am in member’s home for fellowship and an informative program.

Episcopal Church Women:     Meet three times a year for fun, fellowship and an informative program.  Amy Mann, 776-5330.


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