My house

red brick box This picture was taken soon after I bought the place in 2001. The house was built in 1948. The family I bought it from owned it from 1949 to 2001 and raised four children in it. By today's standards, it's a good size for one person and two cats.

Back yard This is a "before" picture--I have been busy moving dirt around and generally attempting to garden. It does not look too great at the moment due to the chicken-wire cages I am using to keep the squirrels from digging up or trampling my vegetables. My inclination is to increase the number of beds, to decrease the mowable area, but grass is easiest to pick up pecans from, so I may not.

Currently in progress, my first major renovation since moving in, replacing the roof and adding a rainwater harvesting system.

Last updated 16 May 2009
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