September 30, 2007
From Lydia F. Dashner Secretary
Dear Fuentes Family Members ;
The Reunion Committee met on Saturday, September 29, 2007 at Vicki and
Albert’s house.
A big Thank you to them for hosting this meeting. Albert prepared a wonderful
fish fry and we thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship and meal after the meeting.
Tory reported that her group of teens will be assisting in helping with the
table clearing and setting up for a picture taking area. She would like a head
count of teens 13 to 18. If anyone has any ideas about the picture “booth”,
please let her know. Tammy Boyett, Crystal Trevino, and Misty Pena are
assisting her. She would like for the teens to sing Christmas carols. She has
a count of about 15 right now and that’s from the Arthur Fuentes bunch. We
need counts from Inez’s, Felix, Frances, Steve , Yaya’s and Manuel’s , Joe’s
and Lupe’s Families. Please send those to Tory at :
Linda reported that she has prizes available for her Children’s Bingo and that
cookies are being prepared for the children's cookie decorating contest. She
has judges available for that contest.
Her group includes children ages 1-12.
A drawing will be held for the purpose of winning prizes. A beautiful
guitar has been donated by Alfred Ray Pena. Tickets will be sold at $1.00 each
or 6 for $5.00 on the day of the reunion/Fellowship.
Thank you to all who have donated Money. Isabel and Ruby sent a check, and
the money is
most appreciated. Sara will get with Arthur and send a donation also. Thanks
loads. Those who are already on the list, thanks to you also.
The Entertainment was discussed: Danny and David will be getting the Karaoke
and Music together. We are not sure at this time if a DJ is available. Danny
is also planning a Talent show. If you intend to sing a Karaoke song please
try to bring the song on CD. The talent
Show will be after dinner. Questions: Email Danny at:
Sammy and Belinda are planning to perform!!!! No age limit and No prizes, just
Dinner will be served at 5:30 PM. Please bring a side dish suitable for a
“near” Christmas dinner that will serve your family plus 2 more. All the meat
has been donated by those on the list published on the web site. An updated
list will be posted on the website.
Please bring your dish in a disposable container in order to save
dishwashing. More to
Come in November. This letter is being sent to those without emails as well
as those with .
Our hope is that everyone can come and everyone gets the word. GOD BLESS