Hello All,
Those of you who didn't make it to the meeting missed out on some wonderful. Tory outdid herself. Thanks Tory (And Ray)
Minutes are as follows:
DEC 8, 2007 is the date set for The Fuentes Fellowship.  At the American Legion Hall North 3rd and Tennessee. Waco, TX  We can have the hall from 12 till 0100.   We will be asking all of you to RSVP so that we will know how many to prepare for.
 Albert and Cande will be Leading This effort to organize the Fellowship.  Cande plans to start a web page.
Linda will be Secretary with my assistance.  She has $122.00 to help get items needed. Thanks to Donations from Sammy/Gene and Funds from last Reunion.
Ray will take care of the Musical Entertainment.
The Kitchen will be used but only for warming food.  There will be no cooking there.
A BBQ Pit will be set up for Brisket, Etc. Not sure who will do that to date.
We will find out if we can mix tea, cool aid or lemonade there.  If you want Sodas, beer or set ups, they will have to be purchased there. Their Rules.  Set ups are $1.25
Menu will be (Since it's  between Thanksgiving and Christmas ),Turkey, Ham, Brisket and possibly fajitas, & tongue. The meat is taken care of:  Cande--2 Smoked Turkeys  Plus Dressing (Eve)
                                                                        Vicki---  1 Ham
                                                                         Linda-- 1 Ham
                                                                         Willie-- 2 Briskets Willie if this is wrong tell me!!
Every one else will be asked to bring side dishes such as Dressing, yams, green. beans etc. And Desserts and Snacks for the afternoon. We'll also need Rolls,Paper goods.
A newsletter will be sent out as we progress. Thanks to all of you who have sent me your email addresses. I will be sending info out to you plus be sure to check the Web page when Cande gets it set up.
Children's games will be provided by Linda, Mary and Tory.  There will be cookie decorating contest, Bingo and Indoor Pinata.
Someone wants to do family pictures again so bring all your kids, grand kids, great grand kids. 
If there is anyone whom I've left out please call me 254-666-9623 or email me. Linda's # is (1-214-718-8522 -----cell)

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