28th District of Texas 



1.  William is a product of diverse upbringing, instilled in him strong morals and family values. William's mother (Anna) of German and American Indian descent was born in Arkansas. William was born in ----- Michigan. His parents were divorced when he was three years old. His mother remarried,  Mr. Joseph Lerma, a Mexican immigrant. Lerma left Mexico to live in Chorpus Christi,Texas, after Pancho Villa's assassination. Mr. Lemma fought for much needed political reform inMexico. Lemma alongside the legendary Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa. Upon his move to Texas, Mr. Lerma, took up residence in Chorpus Christi. A couple of years later he moved to Michigan where he met and married William's mother.  William credits his stepfather Joseph Lerma, or Joe as he was referred to in  the community in ----- Michigan, as having influenced him to work hard, acquire an education and stand tall for what he believed in. Joe taught his stepson William, to work the land by farming corn and vegetables. On the small farm, they also raised small quantities of different types of livestock. Their efforts on the family farm produced sufficiently for their needs.


William, has  five siblings; Two brothers and three sisters. The family later extended their farming to include bee keeping to supplement the family income by producing honey. Their continual strive to earn more to improve the family's well-being led them to acquire and run a small restaurant (The Sock Hop).  During William's childhood, the family pulled together while he and his siblings attended school and after school, they worked their small farm and ran the restaurant. They succeeded, measured by their ability to provide more than enough to fulfill the needs of the family.


2.  At age 15, William, in his effort to rekindle his relationship with his paternal father, moved in with his real father, William L. Hayward, a native of  Farwell, Michigan. Both, father and son shared the same first and last names. William's father served in the US Army during World War II. He guarded German Prisoners of War. William's father, a second generation American of German and American Indian roots was fluent in both languages; English and German. He was well suited for assignment; guarding German POWs. After WWII, William's fate hr went back to working his small business; a combination of gas station/auto repair shop and salvage yard, where William also worked after school while in high school.


3.  While living with his paternal father in Bradenton, Florida, William enlisted in the US Air force in 1974 and served honorably until 1979.  After completing his military service, William moved to Arizona where he attended Arizona State University earning a Masters Degree. Prior to Attending ASU, he attended Devry College in Irving, Texas where he earned a Bachelors Degree in 1983.


Since mid 2004, William R. Hayward has been working abroad, out of Kuwait , Iraq , Spain , and Italy , in support of US Military as a government contractor. 

He traveled extensively, lived and worked in; Costa Rica, Colombia, Thailand, Iraq, Kuwait,England, Germany, Spain, and Italy. Has regarded home of residence; San Marcos , TX since January 1996.