I absolutely love Chicago. Perhaps that is because it is so different from living in Texas. Here in Texas they think it's cold when it's 68 degrees... but Chicago... it really gets cold in Chicago.

A City Electric cover taken with a disposable while dodging traffic along Wacker Avenue.

In October of 2001, in the wake of 911... I bought two plane tickets and took off for Chicago with Julie Reynolds. Julie was the girl who lived in the apartment upstairs. She and Bret eventually hooked up and are due to get married this January. The coolest thing about Julie is it's relatively easy for me to get great shots of her. She has these dynamic blue eyes which look great with her red hair. I have this great shot I took of her just outside the Art institute of Chicago... maybe I can find it. The trees were this cool yellow colour and the light was just right. I wish I could have used just a bit of fill-in flash but still... for a mindless snap shot, it turned out great.

Of course... having a great subject always makes things easy.

One of the most gratifying things I have witnesses in the last few years is watching the way this young woman has matured and bloomed into the radiant person she is today. It hasn't always been nice... and Julie and I have had our differences... but still... I am honured to count her amoung my friends.

As is always the case in life Julie and I have both moved on. Carrie and I married last spring and Bret and Julie are due to tie the knot this January. Julie and I still text message a good deal and you'll see her image scattered liberally throughout my portfolio.

If you look carefully... you can also see the red wine she spilled on this print before I scanned it. Wine spills... it's just part of the overall charm of knowing Julie. Especially in those early days!

Julie darlin'... I luv ya!

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