
There is just something about Light that plays with my brain.

Without light... all would be darkness and no life would exist. Yet we... who’s very atoms and existence are the product of stars, often forget about Light.

We stumble along through our lives unaware that we... are the product of Light. I dwell upon such things.

Sometimes I am just be-bopping along and I see the Light... and the patterns and shadow it defines and I think... "Dude! Now that's cool!" So I whuppout my trusty Sony and capture the Light... I record its momentary arrangement to show to my friends or enjoy later. This is one of those images. No rhyme... no reason... just me... a product of Light... enjoying and farting around with Light!

For you pragmatic sorts... just in case you're wondering... they're shadows of the newspaper machines along the sidewalk… just outside the post office here in San Marcos.

But there’s more! Can't you see it?

"Be in the Light... even as He... is in the Light!"

Darkness has no power over Light. It is the Light... which defines and gives form to everything… Light defines energy... and gives Life to all… equally! Light gives dimension and shape... even unto the darkness. For all the powers of darkness, which may appear to be many... they are null... and void... without form or shape. All the darkness in the entire universe cannot extinguish the Light from even a single candle, which burns to illuminate the darkness.

So burn my Brothers and Sisters! Burn with the Light that lives within us... shine out... blaze with Hope and radiance...and define the cosmos thru the illumination the Light gives!

"This little Light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine! This little Light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine... let it shine... let it shine.... let it shine!"

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