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Lake LBJ Sailing Club Minutes
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NOVEMBER 16, 2003

Members and (Guests) Present:
Art & (Sherry) Fern
Dyson & Kay Campbell
Margaret Joiner
Joel Cowman
Sy & (Judy) Schiffman
Arnie & (Syd) Popinsky
Mark & Cindy Kidd
Bud & Nancy Courtney
Linda Tyler
Hank & Irene Sandhaus
Jon & (Betty) Rodgers
Al Breton (Late)

The scheduled meeting was convened by Commodore Hank at the Sandhaus' home at 1:20 p.m.

Secretary's report: The meeting minutes for September were read by Irene and approved.

Treasurer's report: Margaret read the financial report for October and a preliminary November report. The report was approved as read. The bank signature cards will need to be signed in December. In addition, the audit committee Hank, Irene and Sherry Stephens) will meet in December to review the books for the year.

Activities Committee: No report was made because Jody was not present.

Membership & Publicity Committee: No report was made because David was not present.

Race Committee: Dyson reported the next race will be November 22 and he will be out of town. After some discussion it was determined that a number of potential racers will be out of town that day. If there are insufficient racers, a fun sail may occur in lieu of the race. The decision will be made at the skippers meeting. Skippers meeting 12:00 noon and race at !:00 p.m. Art will be the race director for the day.

Sy requested a report from the "Foreign Sailing Committee". Sy reported that Sy, Judy, Margaret and another couple will be sailing a mono-hull from Horizon Yachts in the Granadines from May 3 to 15, 2004. Sounds like fun!

Old Business:

Hank brought up the possibility of sponsoring a regatta for the South Texas Centerboard Circuit in 2004. A Regatta Committee was formed with the following volunteers: Jon Rodgers, Linda Tyler, Art Fern, Sy Schiffman and alternate Joel Cowman. They will meet to determine who will be chairperson. The committee will research what is needed for a regatta, possible locations, dates, cost, entry fees, publicity, meals, lodging, licenses, etc. It was requested that the committee have information for the January meeting.

Dyson reminded us that LCRA must be notified of any races early in the year. If a race date is changed for some reason, we must verbally notify LCRA within 24 hours.

Sy reported that he has been contacted by a supplier of pennants and burgees. Interest was expressed by some of the members and possibly purchasing one for the race committee boat depending on the expense. Sy will do additional research and get back to us.

Sunday, December 14 will be the annual holiday party at Sunrise Beach Civic Center from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. A motion was made and seconded to have the club provide the meat. Hank volunteered to smoke a turkey and Sy volunteered to get a brisket and/or ham. Each member or guest should bring a wrapped white elephant gift. Each member or couple should bring a vegetable, salad or dessert to share. A donation will be requested of guests who are not members. Since meat must be purchased, we will request RSVP (both positive and negative) so we can have a count of those attending. Irene will prepare an e-mail to all members. We will have a calling committee contact those we have not heard from. Members should respond no later that December 7 by calling or e-mailing Hank & Irene Sandhaus (830-693-9982 or or Bud & Nancy Courtney (512-793-4040 or It was suggested that we set a time limit for how long they can take to choose a package during the white elephant gift exchange and to again enforce the rule that a gift can only be chosen three times. Installation of officers will occur at the party.

Arnie brought up the issue of using alternate items in lieu of trophies for the race winners. After some discussion, it was decided to leave it up to the new race committee chairperson. It was suggested that if some members have unwanted trophies, they can be turned in to the race committee and recycled.

Membership dues can be paid during the December or January meeting for 2004.

Election of Officers: The following persons were nominated from the floor:

Commodore - Sy nominated Dyson Vice-Commodore - Dyson nominated Sy Secretary - Irene nominated Vance Treasurer - Sy nominated Margaret Membership & Publicity Committee Chairperson - Dyson nominated Linda Activities Committee Chairperson - Kay nominated Walt & Sherry Racing Committee Chairperson - Sy nominated Art

There being no other nominations, a vote was taken for the above slate of officers and passed unanimously.

Some discussion followed regarding whether LBJSC should have their own website rather than sharing with It was decided to keep it as is and ask David to set it up so people can go directly to LBJSC if desired. It was pointed out how much work David does in keeping the site up-to-date and how interesting and well-known David's site is.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. We had a great potluck and Bar BQ. Everyone did lots of visiting and since the day was beautiful, we also played a few rounds of washers.

Respectfully submitted,
Irene Sandhaus

SEPTEMBER 21, 2003

Members Present:
Hank & Irene Sandhaus
Margaret Joiner
Walt & Sherry Stephens
The scheduled meeting was convened at the Sandyland Gazebo at 3:00 p.m., but never called to order due to the fact there was not a quorum present.
Margaret provided copies of the treasurer's reports for the last several months to update the secretary's books. An audit committee, consisting of Sherry Stephens and Irene & Hank Sandhaus, has agreed to review the treasurer's records prior to the end of this year. Highland Bank is now ready to have us update our checking account signers. We decided to just wait until after the November election to update the checking account signature card.
We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following positions for 2004: Vice-Commodore, Racing Committee Chairperson and Publicity and Membership Committee Chairperson. Election of officers will be at the November meeting (11/16) so plan on attending. . Please contact Hank or Irene if you are interested in any of these positions.
Race trophies were given out for Walt Stephens and for Sy Schiffman (Margaret was going to deliver Sy's trophy). MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Next race will be October 18-three short races.
A horseshoe, ring toss, washers, bocce ball, croquet, bar BQ & potluck party was discussed for October-more details will be given out shortly.
The December holiday party is set for the evening of December 14 at the Sunrise Beach Civic Center. More details on that later.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Sandhaus

AUGUST 17, 2003

Members Present:
Vance & Linda Tyler Dyson Campbell Jon Rodgers Hank & Irene Sandhaus David Luckenbach Bob Harrell

The meeting was called to order by Commodore Hank Sandhaus at 3:15 p.m. Thanks were extended to Vance Tyler and Dyson Campbell for volunteering to run the July meeting. There were insufficient members present for the July meeting and no meeting was held.

Secretary's report: The meeting minutes for June were read and approved.

Treasurer's report: No financial report was made due to Margaret's absence because of Jim's poor health.

Membership & Publicity Committee: David reported that a potential new member has completed an application but has not yet paid his dues. A reporter for the Llano Buzz has requested that he be allowed to crew on one of the boats for the August 23rd race. David reported that he has been having difficulty with his internet access. Members not receiving the newsletters should be patient and hopefully the internet provider will correct their system.

Activities Committee: No planned activities were reported.

Racing Committee: Dyson reported that there were 3 entries for the July 19th race. Although 3 races were scheduled, there was one race only due to the heat and very light air. The August 9 race had 4 entries and was one long race. Winds were 20 to 25 mph. Walt Stephens was the winner.

Much discussion followed regarding the DSQ that was declared on David's boat because he tacked and performed a 360 degree turn prior to rounding a mark on his port side. David explained that he decided to tack in order to avoid jibing in the higher winds since he had novice sailors on his boat. A committee consisting of Vance, Bob and Jon determined that, in the future, a DSQ for tacking rather than jibing when rounding a mark with no other boats present will not be given due to the string test explained in rule 28.1 However, since David did not submit a formal written protest in a timely manner, the race results stand.

The next race is a 3 race series on August 23rd. Skipper's meeting at 2:00 p.m. and race starts at 3:00 p.m.

Old Business:

Dyson reported that the LCRA racing permit was received for this year. He recommended we apply for the permit earlier next year.

David and Jon volunteered to get more specific information about the South Texas Centerboard Circuit regattas so we can possibly host one next year.

Jon volunteered to check whether we have reserved the Sunrise Beach Civic Center for our December holiday party. If we are not scheduled, he will reserve it for December 14 if that date is still available.

New Business:

David made a motion to pay the committee boat $10 each race series for gas, time, etc. The motion was seconded by Bob and passed.

It was requested that we have a horseshoe contest again this fall, perhaps October? There are a number of locations with more than one court. Vance volunteered his home also.

Dyson suggested that we release only positive publicity about the club and not air our laundry to the press. He referred to the article that appeared in the August 2003 Kingsland Courier. Also he felt that the publicity should be about the club and not about any side businesses which members might have.

Another recommendation was made to have monthly meetings of the executive board or as needed and only have general member meetings on a quarterly basis. Most members are only attending one or two meeting a year anyway.

We are looking for officers and committee chairpersons for next year. Any members who wish to nominate someone or volunteer themselves are asked to contact Hank Sandhaus. The following positions are available: Commodore Secretary Treasurer Membership & Publicity Commettee Racing Committee Activities Committee Vice-Commodore

We are also asking members to volunteer to assist in arranging activities including the holiday party.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. and followed by the usual happy hour.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus

JUNE 8, 2003

Members/Guests Present:
Arnie & Syd Popinsky Margaret Joiner Sy Schiffman Judy Grey Walt & Sherry Stephens Dyson & Kay Campbell Jon Rodgers David Luckenbach Jody Gayle Robert Harrell Hank & Irene Sandhaus

The meeting was called to order by Commodore Hank Sandhaus at 3:15 p.m. who thanked Jody, Nancy and Vance for filling in for him and the secretary during the last two months.

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

Margaret made a report of the April and May treasury activities. The April beginning balance was $1073.80 and various deposits and disbursements were made with an ending balance of $1,288.80 for the end of May. There were a few additional receipts and requests for disbursements received at the meeting. See the attached treasurer's report. Margaret reported that the Highlands Bank in Kingsland is in the process of merging with Franklin Bank. Therefore, they did not have signature cards available to update the signers for the club. However, she was able to have the bank records changed to accept only one signature on the club checks. The current authorized signers are Margaret, Irene and Art. The report was accepted as presented.

Racing Committee: Dyson thanked Vance, Mark and Bud for working on the committee boat during the April race. David came in first and Walt second. In the May race, there were 6 entries with Philip Hughes first, David Luckenbach second and Hal Painbolt third. The next race will be June 21 and will be one long race.

Spinakers will be allowed in races if there are least 3 boats using spinakers. In that event, the boats using spinakers will be in a separate class and have a separate start.

The club LCRA racing permit expires soon and we have not heard back from Mr. Newhouse. Mr. Newhouse is writing a clause that would allow us to vary from the proposed racing schedule to some extent. A permit is not needed for fun activities which do not require placing of racing buoys. Dyson will continue to followup on this.

Membership & Publicity Committee: David reported that we now have 44 members with 3 new members joining this last week. He sent e-mails to all members asking for response to determine if his e-mails are being received by all members. All but a few members responded and David will followup with them. It appears that the problem is with spam blockers that certain members may have installed on their computers. These members need to adjust their programs to receive e-mails from David.

David proposed that we make Sandyland's Mike & Shana Kilmer and KayKay honorary club members. It was seconded and passed.

Since David will be unable to attend, he requested that someone take pictures at the June race and e-mail them to him so we can get coverage in the local newspapers.

David has be approached by the South Texas Centerboard Circuit to have our club put on a regatta in July. Kyle Smith, one of our new members is in this organization. Jon Rodgers volunteered to assist David in learning more about this possible activity proposed for the last weekend in July.

David reported that an officer recently stopped a sailboat under sail at night and required them to turn on the steaming lights and anchor lights in addition to the running lights which they were using. It was discussed that according to the Texas Boating Laws, a sailboat needs to only have running lights if under sail at night. If the boat is motoring, then the steaming lights should also be lit. The anchor lights should only be used if at anchor.

Syd commended David on his excellent e-mail newsletter to all members and his work on the club website that provides information to members and potential members. There followed some discussion about contacting members about upcoming events and it was decided that the e-mail and website should be sufficient. If a members is interested in participating, it is simple to find out what is happening. Dyson made a motion that we not initiate a monthly postcard or phone committee as long as David is able to keep up with the e-mail newsletter and website. The motion was seconded and passed.

Activities Committee: Jody proposed a swim party in the cove near Jon Rodgers' home or some other sheltered cove. More about that later. Saturday, June 14 is the next full moon sail with raftup in the cove near Jon Rodgers' home. Watch for more information from David about the times along with a map of the location. It was decided not to meet at Sandyland beforehand, so if you don't have a boat, contact a member for a ride or pickup. Here's a map with the red X showing the spot we will meet

Saturday, July 5 is our Precision Sail for the parade in Kingsland. Participants are to meet at 5:00 p.m. at the confluence of the Llano and Colorado Rivers. Our boats will follow the motorboat parade.

Camp Champion wants us to take kids that are interested and have completed sailing classes on a sail in our boats. This will be sometime after June 11th. The date is flexible because we want to pick a day that has favorable winds. If you are interested in assisting in this fun activity, contact David. It was assumed that since we are not accepting pay and also because Camp Champion is sponsoring the sail, that their insurance will cover any possible liability.

Jody is looking for someone to coordinate a camping/sailing weekend close by. Black Rock Park at Buchanan Dam was suggested since it has a boat ramp, RV hookups and cabins for rent right on the water's edge. It would be possible to beach the boats close to the camp.

New Business: We have been contacted by a banner company in San Diego, CA to purchase banners and/or burgees to be used as race trophies or if club members wished to fly them from their boats to advertise the club. Sy volunteered to look into what they have and report back.

Kay Campbell reminded us that we need to clean up after the meeting. All dirty dishes need to be taken home. We are not allowed in the kitchen since it is against health regulations for the restaurant. Kay and Irene will take home the club's supply of paper plates and plastic ware.

Sy suggested that we promote the restaurant as much as possible. After some discussion, it was proposed that at the July meeting, we come early (about 1:30) and partake of the Sunday brunch at Sandyland, have the meeting about 2:30 and not have a potluck following the meeting.

Since we need to start looking for officers for next year, it was decided that the currently officers would form the nominating committee. The officer nominations are to be presented and voted on at the November meeting.

The date and place of the December holiday party needs to be settled on. Margaret agreed to contact Sunrise Beach Civic Center and secure that premises for December 14 if it is available.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. followed by Sy recounting his and Judy's adventures sailing a catamaran in Tortola with Clark & Erlene Allen and two other couples. There followed the always outstanding potluck and lively conversation.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus

Lake LBJ Sailing Club Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2003

Members/Guests Present:
Jon Rogers, Dyson & Kay Campbell, Bud & Nancy Courtney, John Naylor, Jody Gayle, Vance & Linda Tyler, David Luckenbach.

The meeting was called to order in the Sandyland gazebo at 3:15PM by Vice Commodore Jody Gayle presiding for Hank Sandhaus, Commodore, who is on vacation.

The minutes of the April 13, 2003 meeting were read by Vance Tyler for Irene Sandhaus, Secretary, who is on vacation. Motion to approve without changes made by Nancy Courtney and seconded by Linda Tyler. Motion passed.

New Business:

There followed a lengthy discussion on the subject of reducing the handicap number of anyone winning a race, thereby making it harder for him or her to win following races. Dyson Campbell noted that it penalized a good racer while at the same time rewarding those who should be trying to improve themselves- and new sailors have less impetus to improve themselves. David Luckenbach noted that it was just a way to get more people to participate and to keep people interested- that it made the good sailors try harder and the new sailors have some hope they might be competitive. The discussion digressed considerably, with references to the fairness/inappropriateness of the currently used handicapping system in respect to centerboard boats versus keel boats, etc. Dyson brought the discussion back on point by noting the success of new club members such as the Rainbolts (?) who have continuously improved in each race versus using penalty points to snare a trophy. And Dyson had more words to suggest that trophies were too expensive.

Motion by Jody Gayle with second by Bud Courtney to delete the practice of awarding penalties in subsequent races to winners. Motion carried.

Jody Gayle brought up additional new business-

We have many guests attending our functions and the club is paying for their expenses. How do we get these guests to join the club? He stated that he thought "guests" should be potential members; and that there should be a fee assessed for any guest where food is provided by the club. That includes spouses and family of members. Linda Tyler noted that there should be specific recruitment activities to motivate our guests to join- and there currently aren't any. John Rogers noted that his wife (no longer a registered member) hardly ever comes to club activities except for occasional social events. Dyson reflected that anyone who was not a registered member should pay whatever the club assessed to be the cost of that activity- members should participate in functions and others should pay!

There followed a general "lively" discussion about the cost of various activities run by the club. John Rogers offered to pay for his wife's steak consumed at a recent club picnic but no one took him up on it. John believes the membership should be a family membership, he thinks the club is generally falling apart, meetings aren't what they should be, and that he doesn't understand the "plan" the club is operating under. Kay Campbell said she thought the dues were raised to support the various social functions. John Rodgers responded that it was supposed to be a sailing club, not a social club, and that maybe we needed to rethink the whole thing. There was lengthy discussion by David Luckenbach, John Rogers, Dyson Campbell, Jody Gayle, John Naylor and others about why we raised the dues, what is the cost of racing to the club, what we were trying to accomplish by raising dues, and possible new approaches to the club financing. Jody Gayle noted that it is definitely a "sailing club" and suggested we consider the practicability of charging $40 per year for a family. John Rogers suggested we might just let all people pay for social functions separately. Also followed further discussion about trophy costs with John Rogers noting that we don't really need to have trophies at all; and Dyson Campbell suggesting again that the trophy awarded should not cost more than the race fee paid by an individual contestant. Bud Courtney reminded everyone that not all members were racers and that they expected activities to be conducted of a social nature such as Moonlight Sails, Christmas Party, picnics, etc. David Luckenbach then reminded everyone that the club nearly ran out of monies due to the previous low $10 per person dues. Before radically changing the funding scheme, he recommends we wait until the end of the year to see how the budget fares with the racing proceeds and other revenue from T-shirts, caps, etc.

Linda Tyler brought the discussion back to "guest costs" by suggesting we might limit the number of times a "guest" can come to meetings without joining. John Rogers rhetorically asked the question, "Why should I pay to race, but other members not have to pay when they come to a social event?" There ensued a general discussion with Dyson Campbell relating the racing history of the club, general activities, etc which we all expected to participate in when we joined. He noted that there was no place else that you can go and get the kind of value for your $$$$ - but he noted that if we don't have fairly high participation, it just won't work.

Jody Gayle made a motion that guests should pay after they come for the 2nd time- no second was found. Linda Tyler made a motion that we have all guests (non-members) pay a $5.00 fee for each event they attend where food is provided by the club. Second by Kay Campbell. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Linda Tyler asked about the issue Dyson Campbell had broached at a previous meeting- that is, to set up a novice/intermediate/expert system for racers. After general discussion, it was decided that it was all a moot point since we usually didn't yet have enough racers to make the system viable- and the system, if and when implemented, would fall under the authority given the Race Director (and he didn't sound too enamoured of it). Kay Campbell noted that Jody Gayle has a hard job in dealing with all the details of the social functions, especially since he has other club duties as well. She believes he needs help in organizing these social functions and volunteered to help him. Also, there were various members unsure of the role of the new owners of Sandyland- per David Luckenback, the new restaurant manager may not allow us to have meetings inside the restaurant when he is serving food. Hopefully, someone will check on our operating parameters at Sandyland.

Dyson Campbell noted that our communication with the membership is not as good as it could/should be- case in point, Aqua Boom is not yet organized. He says also, he is not always getting his email. Other members concurred. John Rogers suggested that we send out some test email with a return receipt requested- so we would know who had actually received the group emails. Linda Tyler suggested we should have a once a month post card mailing regarding activities planned for the upcoming month.

Motion by Linda Tyler, seconded by Kay Campbell, to improve club communications by having the Secretary send a monthly post card out to registered members detailing events known to be upcoming in every succeeding month. Motion passed.

Dyson Campbell noted for information purposes that the club's permit to place buoys out for racing has expired- and that he is renewing it. He has modified the request to a Mr. Whitehouse/LCRA to allow the club to deviate from exact dates for the purpose of rescheduling races due to inclement weather and convenience. He has not yet received any reply but anticipates one soon- he will check on it Monday.

David Luckenbach also noted that the club is supporting the Coast Guard in their boat inspection project to be held Saturday, May 24, 2003, before the Sunrise Beach Volunteer Fire Dept. BBQ.

Vice Commodore Jody Gayle adjourned the meeting at 4:20pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vance Tyler

Lake LBJ Sailing Club Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2003

Members/Guests Present:

Jim & Margaret Joiner, Bud & Nancy Courtney, John Rodgers, Jody Gayle, Dyson Campbell, Sy & Judy Schiffman, Krista & Brad Foster, Linda & Vance Tyler

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm By Vice Commodore Jody Gayle.

First order of the meeting, Deb Rudy had resigned as Race Chairman. There was a discussion about a new Race Chairman. The floor was open for nominations; Sy Schiffman nominated Dyson Campbell, Vance Tyler seconded. The motion carried. Vance Tyler suggested that we needed some people to help on the committee boat and learn how to run it when Dyson was out of town. Vance volunteered to run the next race on May 26. Bud said he would help.

Dyson wanted to know if all were satisfied with having two to three races a month. This was discussed. Everyone thought we should go back to one race a month and have more fun things to bring out the members that don't race, such as a cruise picnic. If we fly a kite while sailing, take one boat at a time, all enjoy from shore, then proceed to next. All boats flying kites and racing at the same time is too dangerous. Dyson also brought up for safety sake the idea of the beginner sailors one level the ones that had won three races move to a B status and advanced sailors in another group. In starting the race, start the advanced sailors first, then five minutes later the B group then five minutes later the beginner sailor. This was discussed, but not voted on.

Linda Tyler asked if the club would like to join in the Aqua Boom Celebration which is July 4 & 5. The committee for the Aqua Boom would like for us to be in the parade. Jody said he thought it would be nice to do a precision sail as far as the bridge. The date will be July 5th. All boats that want to go meet at Sandyland. There will need to be something put in the paper as to the time and date, to advertise the sail.

Old business: Sy brought up the Coast Guard boat inspection, that he was going to be out town, and Dyson and Hank might need help. The date is May 24th, .

The Full Moon Sail is April 16, meet at Sandyland at 6:00 PM

Activities Committee: Jody suggested a Bar B Q and Horse shoes & bache Ball, May 4th at 5:00 PM at McNair Park. The Club will furnish the meat and pay for the use of the park. The members will bring side dishes and drinks.

Margaret gave the treasurer's report: 4/1/03 $1,073.80. Deposits of $135.00 for dues and $80.00 from the last race, brings the balance to $1,288.80. 4/13/03.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:00.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Courtney filling in for Irene

MARCH 16, 2003

Members/Guests Present:
Krista Foster, Dyson & Kay Campbell, Bud & Nancy Courtney, Don Keeney, Nelda Tallman, Hank & Irene Sandhaus, Deb Rudy, Margaret Joiner, Bob Harrell, Walt & Sherry Stephens, Sy Schiffman, Arnie & Syd Popinsky

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by Commodore Hank Sandhaus

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

Margaret presented the treasurer’s report for February. The beginning balance as of 01/31/03 was $993.80, with receipts of $180 and disbursements of $100.00. The ending balance as of 02/28/03 was $1,073.80. Margaret reported that we had 35 members who have paid their dues before this meeting; and a few more were received at the start of the meeting. Margaret will get the bank signature forms during March. The report was accepted as read.

Membership and Publicity Committee: David was absent, but Deb reported that we had one new member join during the last race–and win the races, Philip Hughes of Beaver Island.

Racing Committee: Deb reported our next race will be 03/29 and will be the Kite Flying Series. Boats in the race will fly a kite while racing a course. Bring your own kites if you have them. The club will supply some kites. Deb discussed the protest that was filed during the last race and asked that the following procedures be followed if a skipper wishes to file a protest. First, the protest flag must be raised immediately after the incident and note who might be witnesses, then the next time the protesting boat passes near the committee boat they should shout out what they are protesting. After the race, the parties will have an opportunity to present their views and witnesses to an ad hoc protest committee who will vote anonymously. A committee boat is needed for the next race. The club needs someone with a committee boat that can commit to being available for most of the season. This will assist Deb in having an experienced race committee on a consistent basis.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding the protest filed during the last race. Some of the suggestions were that the race course be longer to allow the boats more maneuvering room. The start/finish line should not be skewed; need good anchoring on the committee boat. The racing committee should consist of at least two persons dedicated to watching and running the race so that the starts and finishes can be carefully monitored. The rules need to be strictly enforced. The club needs to concentrate on the safety and education of the racers so all participants may safely enjoy the race. Deb has been faithfully covering rules of racing before each race and handing out information sheets for the racer’s benefit–please take the time to read and understand them.

Activities Committee: Jody was unable to attend, but Hank reported that the fishing tournament was not well attended, perhaps because of being spring break week. Those who attended enjoyed it. The next moonlight sail will be Friday night 03/21, meet at Sandyland at 6:00 p.m.

The Popinsky’s provided the race committee with two booklets containing alternates to the standard trophies. Thanks Arnie & Syd.

A first place trophy was presented to Bud Courtney for the Hardy Sailor Series.

Dyson has agreed to do a 15 minute education presentation at the next meeting dealing with right of way rules of racing.

Sy made a motion that the club host the Coast Guard boat inspection again this year. LCRA is also participating. It is set for Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (May 24). The motion was seconded and approved. A committee consisting of Sy, Hank and Dyson will coordinate the activity.

Don provided insurance information to Hank in order to host a youth sailing camp this summer and again asked the club to look at this activity. Irene made a motion that we only vote on this if we have a minimum of three persons willing to dedicate themselves to this project. The motion was seconded and passed. Don, Dyson and Nancy Courtney volunteered to call members regarding their interest in serving on this committee and making their boats available for use during the camp. The calling group needs an up-to-date roster.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. with outstanding potluck afterward.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus


The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by Commodore Hank Sandhaus

The minutes from the last meeting were read and a correction made to the Racing Committee report to remove the portion about handicaps will take into account the use of a spinnaker. It was clarified that the handicap will not be adjusted for use of a spinnaker or any other specific sails.

Margaret presented the treasurer’s report for January. The beginning balance as of 12/31/2002 was $592.90, with receipts of $939.50 and disbursements of $528.60. The ending balance as of 01/31/2003 is $993.80. The report was accepted as read.

Membership and Publicity Committee: David reported we had good publicity in the Llano paper with color pictures of two club member’s boats on Lake LBJ. David will get out a new roster indicating those members who have paid 2003 dues. There are several members who have not yet paid. Jon Rodgers remarked that he liked having the reminder e-mails about upcoming events.

Racing Committee: Deb reported that the Hardy Sailor Series is Feb. 22. It will be three short races. We need a committee boat for that race since Art will be unable to participate. If anyone knows someone who could supply a committee boat, let Deb know. The two March races will be the 8th and 18. There will be a full moon on March 18 which is a Tuesday. We will let everyone know closer to that date which night we will have the full moon fun sail. This year the winner of each series will have two points subtracted off his/her handicap for the following races this year. This will allow other racers to have a better chance of winning.

Vice Commodore: Jody reported that he is trying to get an REI employee to speak to the club about GPS equipment.

Activities Committee: It was announced that Barbara Saxon submitted her resignation as Activities Committee co-chairperson because of her pending move out of the Lake LBJ area. In addition, Joel Cowman was not willing to take over all the responsibilities of this position. Jody Gayle graciously volunteered to take over this responsibility. THANK YOU, JODY! Kay Campbell reported on her work in helping to secure a larger location for the annual holiday party. She reported that the Sunrise Beach Community Center charged $75 for use of its facility and an additional amount for use of the kitchen. It was decided to wait until March and see how many members we have this year before committing to this location.

David reported that he has links to several web sites in that discuss the rules of racing and actually have animated illustrations of racing situations where protests have been or might be lodged.

David made a motion that only one authorized officer be required to sign checks on the club account without the necessity of having a second officer’s signature as has been done in the past. Jody seconded the motion and the motion carried. Margaret will get the necessary paperwork from the bank in order to update the club account signature card for authorized signers.

After some discussion, it was decided to have a group dinner at Big John’s Bar BQ on Saturday, March 1. Jody will check on times and get the information to David so he can include it in his reminder e-mails. RSVP’S will be needed.

Don suggested that we think about having a youth sailing camp. This would be about a 3-weekend event during the summer for under-privileged children in the area. The camp would be for 12 to 16 year old youths, and they would complete a sailing course. The club would supply lunches for the children and club members would use their boats for instruction. Names of children could be obtained from boys and girls clubs, churches, etc. Both Don and Dyson had some experience with this type of program and felt that it was worthwhile and provided a community service. Hank suggested that a permanent committee should be set up to organize this program if the club decides to pursue it. Don agreed to check on liability insurance from different sources and its related expense for this type of activity.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. and was followed by another great potluck.

Respectfully, submitted,

Irene Sandhaus


The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by Commodore Hank Sandhaus.

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

Margaret presented the treasurer’s report for November and December. The beginning balance as of 10/31/02 was $465.67 with deposits of $190 and disbursements of $62.77 and ending balance of $592.90. There were several deposits and disbursement requests received at this meeting that will be reflected in January. The report was accepted as read..

Racing Committee: Deb Rudy presented the racing schedule for 2003. It will also be available on the sailingtexas website. All races will be on a Saturday–no two day races–and all will have skipper’s meeting at 11:00 a.m. Many fun activities are planned as part of the races. We need a backup committee boat since Art will not always be available due to his new work schedule. Anyone willing to use their boat and help out should contact Deb. This year we will allow use of spinnakers and the handicap will account for the different sails. Some longer races will be planned so use of the spinnakers will be enhanced. This year we will have some additional awards for various things (i.e. winner of most races, most participation, most points accumulated, etc.) We will be accumulating points all through the year for each member. We may use alternate awards rather than trophies; may use caps, coolers, plaques, etc. Good job Deb!

Some discussion on use of the 15 minute rule to end a race for boats that are very late in crossing the finish line. A motion was made by David to do away with the 15 minute rule and Deb seconded. The motion carried.

Jody Gayle, our Vice-Commodore, will be in charge of the education portion of our meetings and is working on getting an expert to give a demonstration on GPS (Global Positioning). Jody will also be in charge of sales of club caps and t-shirts.

Membership and Publicity Committee: David reported that we ended up with 60 members last year. Our club website is being hit often. Local newspapers like us and want pictures of winners and their trophy presentations.

Activities Committee: Barbara presented many ideas for new activities. It was decided that the activities committee immediately start planning next year’s holiday party and try to book a larger room. Also, the committee will need to set dates for activities and get them on the calendar on the website. Volunteers are needed to help with calling and activities! If you are interested, please contact Barbara or Joel.

Linda Tyler will get us a list of all local festivals and community activities that we might be interested in joining–Aquaboom, lighted Christmas boat parade, etc.

Art did the official “passing of the commodore hat” to Hank.

Bud Courtney gave the historical picture album to David as part of membership and publicity for this year. Thanks, Bud for working on that in the past.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:21 p.m. followed by a potluck and great conversations.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus


Members/Guests Present:
David Luckenbach, Hank & Irene Sandhaus, Deb Rudy, Art Fern, Margaret & Jim Joiner, Sy Schiffman, Judy Gray, Joel Cowman, Barbara Saxon, Krista Foster, Robert Harrell, Don Keeney, Nelda Tallman, Jody & Mary Gayle, Jackson Coberly, Matt & Tanya Carter

The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. by Commodore Art Fern.

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

Margaret presented the treasurer's report for October. The beginning balance was $518.27 with deposits of $170.00 and disbursements of $222.60 and ending balance of $465.67. The report was accepted as read.

Membership and Publicity Committee: Many thanks to David and Deb for their work on the very successful Fall Festival picnic and horseshoe tournament. Also for David's excellent publicity results with numerous newspapers.

Activities Committee: Moonlight Sail: The next fun activity is the full moon sail to be held on Friday, November 22 at 6:00 p.m. Bring something to drink and a food to share. Holiday Party: The final get together will be at Sandyland, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. Bring a heavy hors d'oeuvre, your own bottle and a white elephant gift (preferably sail or water sport related).

The amendment to Article VI of the bylaws was read and a motion was made and seconded to accept. The motion carried. To see a copy of the bylaws on this website click here.

Art has ordered a supply of white club shirts and caps for future use.

A slate of officers for 2003 was presented by the nominating committee. There were volunteers and nominations from the floor. The nominations were:
Commodore - Hank Sandhaus
Vice-Commodore - Jody Gayle
Treasurer - Margaret Joiner
Secretary - Irene Sandhaus
Race/Handicap Committee Chairperson - Deb Rudy
Membership/Publicity Committee Chairperson - David Luckenbach
Activities Committee - Barbara Saxon and Joel Cowman
A motion was made and seconded to accept the nominations for the slate of officers by acclimation. The motion carried.

Art reported that he received a sample pennant from a San Diego company who is interested in providing flags and pennants for the club. Sy suggested that we also check out the Dixie Flag Company in Austin who also provides this service.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. followed by a great potluck.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus

P.S. Don't forget "The Last Series" race on Saturday, December 14. Skippers meeting at 11:00 and race starts at 12:00 noon.

Lake LBJ Sailing Club Meeting
October 20, 2002 Minutes

Members Present: David Luckenbach, Hank & Irene Sandhaus, Deb Rudy, Bill Williams, Art Fern ,Margaret & Jim Joiner, Sy Schiffman, Dyson Campbell, Joel Cowman, Barbara Saxon, Jon Rogers, John Naylor, Krista Foster, Robert Harrell

The meeting was called to order at 3:06 p.m. by Commodore Art Fern.

The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.

Margaret presented the treasurer's reports for August and September. The beginning balance as of 7/31/02 was $786.20 with deposits of $170 and disbursements of $437.93 and ending balance as of 9/30/02 of $518.27. The report was accepted as read.

Membership and Publicity Committee: David reported that the club had news articles on the last race in the Kingsland Current, River Cities Tribune, and Llano papers with photos. We also have several new members that have joined. The roster will be updated and sent out via e-mail.

Activities Committee:

Moonlight Sail: Eleven people participated in the moonlight sail Saturday 10/19. The weather was beautiful and all had a great time.

Holiday Party: Hank reported that Krista, Deb and Kay are working on the holiday party. Krista announced that it will be held on Sunday, December 15, at Sandyland. Members are to bring a heavy hors d'oeuvre, their own bottle and a white elephant gift (preferably sail or water sport related). The club will provide soft drinks and a large food party tray. Deb will send out a flyer via e-mail and the calling committee will also notify members. RSVP's are requested. Installation of new 2003 officers will also take place.

Fall Festival: This mid-day picnic and games activity will be held at Timber Cove Park. It will be held on Saturday, November 2, starting at 11:00 a.m. The club will provide the food (Octoberfest style food) and soft drinks. We will have a horseshoe tournament and other games available. RSVP is requested.. The calling committee will contact members and Deb will be sending out a notice via e-mail.

Racing/Handicap Committee: Dyson reported on the last race series, Spooks & Goblins, run on October 12. Walt Stephens won the first 3 races of the 5 race series so no races were run the second day. Walt was racing a Holder 14 and did a superb job!!! The next race will be Saturday November 9, the You Turkey You series. Skippers meeting will be a 11:00 and race will start at noon.

Trophies for the July and August races were awarded. David Luckenbach received one first place and two second place trophies. Sy Schiffman won three first place trophies.

Art is ordering caps and T-shirts on 11/1, so if you want to request a particular size or color (white or tan) give him a call right away.

The amendments to the bylaws were read once again. After much discussion a motion was made to approve all but Article VI of the amendments. The motion was seconded and passed.

The following changes are proposed for Article VI of the bylaws and will be voted on at the November meeting (Note: the proposal for hardship applications was deleted):

Delete the provision "After July 1st dues are reduced to 50% of the yearly rate for new members". Added a provision that if a new member joins after October 1, the full amount of the dues will be paid, but they will also apply to the next year's dues.

Sy Schiffman announced that he is looking for four persons for the mid-May BVI trip. Any persons interested should contact him.

Sy Schiffman made a very informative presentation on boating safety equipment with special emphasis on personal floatation devices. Even though most of us have been involved in water sports for years, we each probably learned something new about safety. Thank you, Sy!

Hank & Sy comprise the ad hoc nominating committee for officers and committee chairpersons. They will be contacting members for nominations to fill the following offices for 2003: Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Race/Handicap Committee Chairperson, Activities Committee Chairperson and Membership/Publicity Chairperson. Please contact Hank or Sy if you are interested in, or wish to nominate someone, for these offices. A slate of officers and Chairpersons will be presented and voted on at the November meeting so plan to attend.

The meeting was adjourned and followed by much eating and drinking and camaraderie.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Sandhaus













Don't know who took the minutes this time, Hank and Irene should be back in October.