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Lake LBJ Sailing Club Bylaws
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NOVEMBER 17, 2002

ARTICLE I - Membership
Membership shall be limited to sailboat owners, boating enthusiasts, or patrons of sailing whose dues are current and in good standing. Members under 18 years of age require a signed parental consent form. Only members may vote and hold office. A member name will be dropped from the membership roster if dues are not paid by the second meeting of a year, which is usually held in February. Any member shall be dropped from club membership for reasons of misconduct and/or improprieties if three or more members file written complains against said member. The matter will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and referred to the Executive Committee for action.
ARTICLE II - Elections
Elections will be held at the November meeting. A slate of officers and committee chairpersons will be presented at the November meeting and a vote will be taken of the members present (a minimum of five members shall be present for a vote). Club offices will be filled by the Executive Committee if they become vacant during the year and voted on by members during the next scheduled meeting.
ARTICLE III - Officers
Section 1. Officers: Elected officers shall be nominated by a committee appointed by the current Commodore or may be nominated from the floor prior to elections, and shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present during a scheduled election meeting. Term of office is for one calender year.
Section 2. Duties of Officers:
A. Commodore shall be responsible for long-range planning, conducting all meetings, overseeing all financial statements and enforcement of the Bylaws.

B. Vice Commodore shall, in the absence or disability of the Commodore, perform the duties of the Commodore and shall assist the Commodore in the conduct of all Club activities.

C. Secretary shall keep concise and brief minutes of all meetings, conduct all club correspondence, and serve as ex-officio secretary of any committee requesting such service.

D. Treasurer shall be responsible for all club funds, keep a correct account of all moneys received and paid out. At the direction of the Officers and membership, disburse funds as necessary.

ARTICLE IV - Committees
A. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is responsible for long range planning and development. Membership includes all officers, standing committee chairpersons, and past-year commodore.

B. Race /Handicap Committee: This committee shall setup, oversee and conduct all club races, certify results and hand over scoring promptly after the end of the race. Shall set up proper race courses, conduct pre-race meeting and other duties necessary for conducting of proper sailboat races. Shall establish or adopt a handicap rating for all boats in the fleet, maintain current handicap information and review, annually, all fleet handicaps. Upon request of racing event skippers, a hearing may be held on protested issues.

C. Membership/Publicity Committee: This committee shall be responsible for matters pertaining to club membership, e.g., membership applications and policies. This committee shall maintain a complete and accurate roster of members. It shall also handle all general club publicity. Publicity for special events, etc. shall go through this committee before being released for publication.

D. Activities Committee: Shall plan and oversee all yearly club functions, parties and social events. Publicity for events shall go to the Membership/Publicity Committee before being released for publication. This committee shall also maintain an active calling committee to inform members of activities.

E. Ad Hoc Committees: Ad hoc committees shall be established as required to plan and implement special events, etc. These committees may be appointed by the Commodore or standing committee chairpersons.

ARTICLE V - Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of members present (not less than five members, a quorum) at any regular meeting, provided the amendments shall have been proposed at a previous meeting and all members notified at least 10 days prior to the vote.
Dues shall be collected in January of each year or when an individual becomes a member. If a new member joins after October 1, the full amount of the dues will be paid and will also apply to the next year's dues.