DeWitt County, Cuero

DeWitt County Courthouse 2008 I have vacation to burn.

After spending one day getting things in order and this morning working with the Chamber, I got a phone call from a friend of mine wanting to get out of town, too. And trip six begins.

Much like the other trips, I believe the conversation started with, “Which direction?”

DeWitt County Courthouse Clocktower So far this was the coolest courthouse to visit. We got there just before 5 o'clock and me being pushy walked right in the front door. It almost looked like I startled one of the clerks and a county maintenance person talking in the hallway. After I told them about my quest, they invited me in and gave a tour of their newly remodeled courtroom. It was pretty impressive and our guide was real informative and amiable. Pretty good for someone barging in at 5 on Friday.

DeWitt County Courthouse - Back view Inside the courtroom were doors on either side of the bench. We guessed it was so the judge could duck out in case things got heated. Our guide told us these were used for the defendant to enter and exit the courtroom. This way they did not have to come through the crowds. These two towers in the back held spiral staircases with inside doors on the second-story opening to the courtroom and first-story doors opening to the outside.

The Courthouse and Me

Greg with DeWitt County Courthouse

Next Courthouse

Stop 31: Goliad County, Goliad