Whooping Cranes

January, 2001          Ferris and I took a tour boat to see the whooping cranes in Aransas Wildlife Refuge. I took photos with my Minolta SLR and its 135mm telephoto lens. That's not a powerful enough telephoto lens to get good bird pictures, so these are all rather fuzzy. I scanned the prints, mostly at 600dpi, to get these images.

Adult whooping cranes
adult whoopers
adult whoopers
adult whoopers

We saw a loon swimming in the Intracoastal waterway...loon

Sub-adult whoopers
young whoopers
Showing their "bustles"
young whoopers
Whooping at our boat
young whoopers
flying young
One flew off to the side
young whoopers
Close-up of the "bustles"
young whoopers
Flying whooper with roseate spoonbills in the background

Hiking in the park the next day, we saw an armadillo...
a telephoto lens at 10 feet makes a close-up picture.armadillo
