Fuentes Reunion Website

Family in Uniform

David Thomas Pena   1973

U.S.  Marine Corps


Joe Covarrubias    Deceased 1997

U.S  Air Force


Sergeant Guadalupe Fuentes  1945


Sergeant Alfred Ray Pena    1976

U.S. Air Force    Vietnam Veteran


Technical Sergeant   Thomas (Tommy) Fuentes

 U.S. Air Force


Bobby Hollingsworth      U.S. Army


Senior Master Sergeant  Steve Fuentes Jr.  

 U. S. Air Force


Chief Master Sergeant Frank Fuentes 

 U.S. Air force


Eric Daniel Fuentes    U.S. Marine Corps

Cecilo (Red) Fuentes Grandson   Currently serving in Iraq


Fredrico Martinez    U.S.  Air Force


Master Gunnery Sergeant Juan Castellano (Camilla`s husband)

Korean War Veteran

Cecilo ( Red ) Fuentes    U.S. Army


Chief Warrant Officer Richard "Rick" Dashner

Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot    Iraq War (Desert Storm) Veteran

Airman Ryne Dashner

U. S. Air Force

Airman Apprentice Luke Deus Castellano

U. S. Navy       Camilia`s Grandson


William Fuentes  U.S. Army


Albert Fuentes    U.S. Army


Robert Fuentes II    U.S. Navy


Nick Fuentes U.S. Army


Porfirio Fuentes Jr   U.S. Army


Sergeant Johnny Rodriguez (Inez Fuentes` Husband)

WWII & Korean War - Disabled Veteran


Sergeant Candelario Fuentes   WWII Veteran

Candelario Fuentes Jr    1961-1983  Lost at Sea


Sergeant Porfiro Fuentes   WWII  Disabled Veteran

Purple Heart Recipient       Wounded in Germany


Richard Dominguez   US Navy Corpsman

Served as a Medic in Vietnam & Japan


Officer Veronica Cardenas (Manuel Fuentes` Granddaughter)

Los Angeles Police Department


Arturo Rodriguez  U.S. Border Patrol

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