Act 5 - Tudor Legacy 1538 - 
Cathedrals suffer for 100+ years after Henry VIII's break with Rome
Henry's New Cathedrals Gloucester, Southwell, Peterborough & Oxford
Religious Zealotry Edward VI, Seymour & Cranmer amplify scope of destruction of religious artefacts
  Stained Glass @ Wells & Ely
  Winchester, Canterbury, St Albans, Durham, Salisbury
  Carving @ St Albans, Winchester, Durham, Wells & Ely
Swing of the Pendulum Mary & Elizabeth
  Heresy Courts
  Bath revival
Theatre & Religion Impact of Edward/Mary/Elizabeth on Religious drama
  Professional theatre 'blossoms'
Civil War Damage Stained Glass @ Wells, Southwell, Winchester & Lincoln
  Carved Stone @ Southwell, Oxford & Hereford
  Woodwork at Durham
18th & 19th Century 'Improvements' Canterbury, Durham, Ely, St Albans, Winchester
War Damage WW I @ Reims & Amiens, WW II @ Koln & Coventry
20th Century Vandalism Norwich Lady Chapel
What's Left Performance space for ceremonial