Act 4 - Perpendicular Bliss 1348 - 1538
Cool columns and acres of glass draw the eyes upward as feudalism dies
Fluid Political Background 100 Years War - 1337/1453 = isolation from French Influence
  Plague & end of feudalism
  Bishops' power waning - no new cathedrals after Salisbury
  Henry VIII quarrels with the Pope
'Drama' Edicts of 4th Lateran force complete secularization of drama
'Cash Rich' Cathedrals Spend 150 years of rebuilding @ Gloucester
  Canterbury Nave
  Winchester Nave
  York East End & Central & West Towers
  Norwich Cloister, Nave & Choir Vault, Spire
  Peterborough - Lady Chapel with Fan Vault
Others Accept 'Crumbs' Ely - Alcock's & West's Chantries
Comparisons Paris, Amiens, Siena, Toledo
Trouble with Rome Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell & Thomas Cranmer dissolve monasteries
  Zealotry begins to run wild at Ely