Act 3 - Decorated Splendor 1255 - 1348
Bishops 'Gild the Lily', retreat behind screens and show a sense of humor
The Political Climate Inspires Change Henry III's rebuild of Westminster Abbey provokes competition
  Threat of taxation inspires Bishops to spend wealth on facilities
  Edward I's castle building boosts market for masons 
7 Major Projects Lincoln East End & Cloisters
  Salisbury Spire
  Exeter - radical rebuild
  Wells Retrochoir & Lady Chapel
  York Nave, West Front & Chapter House
  Ely Octagon & East End
  Salisbury Spire
Minor Features of English Style Naturalistic Carving @ Southwell, York & Ely
  Vault Bosses @ Norwich, York, Ely & Exeter
  Misericords @ Exeter & Winchester
Comparisons With France Reims & Paris
Impending 'Tectonic Shifts' Corruption of Church , Rising Influence of Cities & Trades Guilds
The Organ Arrives