Act 2 - Gothic Heaven 1170 - 1255
From Intimidation to Impression
Invention of Gothic Style St Denis & Abbé Suger
  Windows/thinner walls/vaults/flying buttresses
Arrival in England Becket's martyrdom
  'Sainthood' - a new source of income
  Canterbury's makeover & unique interpretation of Gothic
Second wave of building Every east end rebuilt in this period
Emergence of English Style Innovation during Lincoln's 90 year rebuild program
  Salisbury's expression of pure English Gothic
  Wells expands the concept of 'Performance Space'
  Poltical turmoil impacts building at Wells, Peterborough & Ely
Comparisons with French Cathedrals Stone carving, Naves & rose windows
Skulduggery in York York acquires a Saint
Decisions in Rome Church architecture altered, Laymen take over liturgical drama
Henry III's Extravagance Launches a new era of 'English' style - and Parliamentery rule