Act 1 - Norman Power 1066 - 1170
Church helps new Monarch create 'Shock & Awe'
Tsunami of Building Pace set by mix of ambitious Bishops & Diocesan wealth
Esablish visible Norman domination with castles and large cathedrals and monasteries
Some cathedrals more equal than others - York/Canterbury/Winchester/Durham
Visible Norman Remains Masonry cathedrals and abbeys still here - wooden castles gone
  Canterbury, York, Winchester, Lincoln, Gloucester, Rochester, Durham, Norwich, Peterborough, St Albans, Southwell
European Contemps (Few) Monreale, Sicily
Key Features Architectural
Decorative - Echoes of Paganism and the need to dominate
Blend of Norman with Later Styles Ely
Winds of Change Henry II's conflict with Becket opens door to Gothic style and new cash flow opportunities