The medieval cathedral - a unique expression of English Culture, 400 years in development
Introduction Program outline
  The purposes served by a Cathedral
Cathedrals & England Why English cathedrals developed differently from the rest of Europe
  The cathedral as a 'Performance Space'
Church & State Slow, hesitant start
  The impact of the Norman Conquest
  Feudal realities
  Early cathedrals more about domination than salvation
Architectural Styles Origins in ancient Rome & Normandy
  Basic terminology
  The evolution of 'English' cathedral architecture
Multiple Modifications Most cathedrals a 'layer cake' of multiple styles
  Changes shaped by episcopal ambition & political turmoil
Rough economics of cathedral construction
The Cathedral & Theatre Drama as a component of liturgical practice
  Role of cathedrals
A distillation of 'English' Features Compared to contemporary, continental cathedrals
Comparisons with Continental Cathedrals Major points of difference