British Castles
Comfort's Triumph
Week 2
Anarchy, Law & Nation Building
Castles & Manor Houses
Most linked to site-specific information
  Anarchy   Arundel, Norfolk
  Chivalry   Castle Rising, Norfolk
  Common Law   New Buckenham, Norfolk
  Birth Pangs of Parliament   Framlingham, Norfolk
  Unified Britain   Orford, Suffolk
  Castle Design   Tintagel Castle
      Rochester Castle, Kent
      Corfe Castle, Dorset
      Kenilworth, Warwickshire
      Conwy, Wales
      Harlech, Wales
      Beaumaris, Wales
      Stirling, Scotland
      Dunottar, Scotland
      Urquhart, Scotland
      Caerlaverock, Scotland
Reference Material Links
Norman invasion of Ireland
Text of Magna Carta Reaffirmed by Edward I
Dawn of the Constitution - J. H. Ramsey (Google Book)
Chronicler's Account of Oxford Accord & de Montfort's death
Life of Edward I (UK Government Kings & Queens site)
Llewelyn ap Gruffydd's Uprising
Edward I's struggles in Scotland
Jews in Medieval England
Hanging, Drawing & Quartering
'Chere Reine' Crosses
NOAA Data on Medieval 'Warming'